Friday, March 25, 2016

Career Series | 6 Steps to Getting Your Dream Internship

Upon graduating high school, I wasn't exactly sure what I wanted to study. I knew that I loved to talk in front of big groups, and that I loved entertainment. I decided to major in journalism and mass communications with a concentration in public relations. I learned a lot of the basics of PR at North Carolina A&T State University; press releases, fact sheets, media lists etc. When I began completing internships I was able to apply what I learned and gain hands on experience. Internships are basically trial jobs that help you figure out what you want to choose as your actual career; and they can lead into actual jobs as well. My first internship was in my sophomore year with a smaller PR firm, the year after that was with a slightly bigger firm, then I did my first internship in NY with Diesel Clothing during my junior year. Once I graduated and began pursuing my Master's at NYU, I began completing my dream internships with Viacom. I interned with Comedy Central and I'm currently interning with BET. Obtaining your dream internship is so easy as long as you put in the work and follow these 6 steps that I followed. Remember if "they" can do it, YOU can do it! 

1. Create an Organized Resume

If you're applying for your very first internship it's obvious that you won't have a lengthy resume yet. That's ok. This is the time to highlight your potential. List your community service, part-time jobs, University organizations, and your current GPA (if it's above a 3.0). Listing these will show that you're involved in the community and your University, as well as highlight other skills your may have such as communication or customer service skills.

2. Shoot for the Stars

I always went by the saying, "you never know until you try". Reach out and apply to the companies that you would absolutely LOVE to work for. It doesn't matter how big the company may be because corporations are always looking for new faces and ideas to bring to their team. If you want to work for Vogue Magazine one day, visit their website and check for any open opportunities.  If the company you want to work for doesn't have any availability at the moment you can always shoot HR a cover letter telling them to keep you in mind. 

3. Network, Network, Network

LinkedIn can be your best friend when it comes to networking and gaining an internship. One good thing about college is that alumni are always willing to help out their "own kind". Say you want to work for Nickelodeon, you can search the company on LinkedIn, and filter your search by employees who went to the college you're attending. Send them over an invitation with a message stating who you are and that you'd love to get some advice from them as to how they got to where they are now. It's important to maintain these relationships and ensure that they are genuine. Just make sure that when you become successful as well, you will do the same for someone else. :) 

4. Keep Track of Your Submissions

When you begin your internship search it is normal to apply to a good number of them at a time. Make sure to create a document that includes the company you applied to, the position, as well as the contact person if available. This is to ensure that you are prepared when they contact you back in regards to an interview. It will also make it easier when you may need to send a follow up email if you haven't heard back from them. 

5. Prepare for the Interview

The big day is here and you have an interview with the company of your dreams. What do you do? First thing first is to do your research. Write down the company's mission statement, values, CEO names, and other valuable information. It's better to have more knowledge than you need, than to be asked a question you don't know the answer to. I always do a little research on the person who's interviewing me as well just so I can get a feel of who they are before we speak. Whether its an in-person or phone interview, make sure you stand out to the interviewer. Leave them with something that'll make them think of you once the interview is over. Lastly, make sure you're enthusiastic. This is your dream job we're talking about! Let that excitement show in your interview and show them how passionate you are. 

6. Let Go, and Let God

Now that you've put in all of this work this is your time to be stress free and let God handle the rest. What is for you will be for you and what isn't, He won't give to you. Knock those interviews out and send over follow- up emails to those you have yet to hear from. Be sure to also end over thank you letters or emails after all of your interviews. Watch your blessings begin to pour in and begin that dream career you've envisioned! 

If you have any comments or questions feel free to email me at and follow my social media at @tashjmackk. Thanks for reading! 

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

[What I Wore] ANTI World Tour Edition

Remember the Dior look-alikes from Public Desire that I recently posted? Well I broke them out at the Rihanna A.N.T.I concert this past weekend and these babies stole the show! (not literally of course because Rih did AMAZING) I seriously got so many compliments on them though. My bomber jacket came from a small boutique store in the mall, bodysuit from AA, and my skirt was only $6.99 from Forever 21! My bag was also a gem found in Forever 21.

Curently Coveting | Dior Inspired Boots

I fell in love with the Dior ankle boots last year and luckily stumbled across some lovely dupes! These are from Public Desire and were only $60. They come in many different color ways and are super comfy as well! Thinking about wearing these babes to the Rihanna concert.

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